Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Board Session: Quest for Career

I've noticed that all my posts lately have been about synchronicities, which is OK, but I'm sure it's getting old for everyone but me. So today I'm going to talk about a board session I had last night.

My husband and I use our talking board about once a week, give or take. I would say that most of the time we're usually asking our non-physical friends about practical matters: what's going on with this car I'm trying to buy? Will there be any issues with this trip we're taking next month? Should I go ahead and do this or wait? Last night was no different.

While I am currently comfortably employed, I have recently resumed my job search. I'm getting the bills paid, but the job isn't going anywhere. There is nowhere for me to move up, and I'm not in a position that is going to make me happy forever. So it's time for me to move on. I've been poring over my usual sources of job listings, applying here and there for positions I think I can do, and will meet my needs for a creative outlet.

Our friends on the board have strongly suggested, nay, told me that I need to put the pedal to the metal and get on with applying for jobs, because the timing is right for me to land something great. I feel like a lot of hoopla has been made that this next job will be some sort of big deal; a major step for me in the direction I want my career to go. The pressure is on, so to speak, for me to not fail and find something awesome. They are saying it's going to happen. Astrologically my transits are ripe for a solid opportunity very soon now (in early to mid July I have transiting Jupiter trine both natal Jupiter and Saturn, for anyone to whom that means something), so I feel like I don't want to miss out on some potent growth opportunities that are being handed to me on a silver platter at this point.

So last night we were on the board and we started out as usual, hands on the leaf, waiting for movement. I hear some people giving advice about using talking boards who suggest that you immediately ask if anyone is there, but I think in the last 10 years or so, there has only been maybe one or two times that no one was there, and there were special circumstances which are too boring to elaborate on right now, so we really don't see any need to do this. Whoever is there will start "talking" when they're ready. We just sit there and wait for the leaf to start moving. So the leaf gets in gear and starts tooling around the board, in the typical exploratory manner we have grown accustomed to seeing whenever a "new" person has joined us. They are "looking around" as they like to say, to check out the layout of the board, see what their options are as far as what letters/symbols/etc. they have to work with, and generally gather energy.

I'm not a big promoter of ritual and ceremony - I find that it makes people focus on the routine rather than its meaning -  so I really have no formal way that I feel like I need begin a session, or in which to address our disembodied guest for the evening. These are people as much as any of us, and I feel I should just talk to them in a respectful manner the way I would talk to anyone to whom I was going for advice. I have no need for a bunch of silly formalized language and phrases, trying to mold the session into some sort of candles-and-incense mystic carnival sideshow. As I've said before, it's like talking to a friend on the phone - you can't see them, but you know they're there.

All of that being said, I will admit that because people are creatures of habit, and I am no exception, I've settled into a bit of a routine when we begin a board session. It doesn't have to always go the same way, but it seems so far to me to be the most logical conversational progression. Usually once the leaf has made its initial rounds and settled back on the center All Seeing Eye design, awaiting our questions, I will say Hello (and they will usually say "hello" back; there's a Hello at the top of the board), and then I will ask who we are speaking to tonight. Most of the time they spell out their name. Many of the names are ones that we have never heard of, like Abdus, who we talked to maybe a week ago. I've never heard of anyone with this name, but when you're on The Other Side I guess you get to call yourself whatever you want. The only times they don't spell out their name are when we're talking to someone we are already familiar with, which does happen as we do have some people who are involved with us on a more long term basis. Then they might just move the leaf to their Sun sign (like Sagittarius), or to where it says "You Know" on the board, and we often do know who it is just by the feel of the way the leaf is moving around at that point. Each entity feels a bit different in the way they move the leaf, and we are getting better at ascertaining a number of things from their board-side manner, as it were, such as how much energy they seem to have at their disposal, how experienced they are at using this method of communication, and sometimes even if there are other entities present who are interfering with their ability to talk to us. Last night the person we spoke to called himself Thortin (maybe Thorntin, not sure if I saw an 'n' in there).

Once I know who we're talking to (and I'm mostly asking to be polite; I feel like it's kinda rude to just barge in asking for a favor, i.e. Please Give Me Advice, without even the courtesy of an introduction), I then typically ask if there are any messages that They would like to relay to either me or my husband. Then we proceed from there, trying mostly to ask all of the questions and sort out all of the pressing issues for one of us at a time, and then we move on to the other person's questions. This way there's less confusion about who the message is for.

When we arrived at my turn for messages last night, Thortin said to me (and I'm paraphrasing because I didn't write down the exact words), "I need you to be honest." My husband and I both got the feeling that this was a segue to him asking me a question. I agreed to give an honest answer, and he asked, "Are you ready to be the bread winner?" When I speculated aloud as to what the implications of this question were, he continued saying that if I was ready, it will happen, but that I will have to "give up a little of [myself]". I wanted to know what he meant by that, and he replied that some of the things that I am currently embroiled in I will no longer have time for, namely my Astrology group meetings, and possibly even this very blog. He implied that I would not have as much time for these activities as before. I found this a bit depressing, and said as much. He asked, "Do you want a career?"  We had a lengthy back-and-forth regarding the choices I would have to make - what is most important to me, what am I willing to give up. I chewed on this aloud for a bit and said that what I most wanted was to make my mark on the world, but I didn't want a job that would send me home stressed and unhappy at the end of the day. I would not choose this path if it was going to be lined with unhappiness as a price for making money. I know a number of people whose headaches are in proportion to the size of their paychecks, and I don't want to go down that road. He assured me that this career path They have in mind for me will be indeed hectic, but it will be something that I will enjoy doing. In this case I said that I was, then, in fact, ready once again to kick ass and take names. I have had a good rest in my low-responsibility job for the last year or so, and it's time to move forward. To this, Thortin responded that They have found an opportunity that is the right one for me, and based on my response, They will make a push for me to get a good shot at it.

So now I am going forth with vigor, in hopes that I have some help on this venture. Today I was driving home and (like a total nutbar) talking to myself aloud in the car, planning what I would say to imaginary job interview questions. In the middle of me trying to hone my potential responses, I was treated to the following song popping up on my iPod, when it was set to shuffle:

Once again the Universe is talking to me. Yeah. It's time.

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