About Tuesday

I live in California, US with my husband and our three cats.

I am pretty much a normal person. I have a day job, I don't just sit around talking to dead people all the time. I go to an office, do what the boss wants and get paid, like a lot of people. Sometimes I do dumb stuff like forget about the laundry in the washer or sleep too late and have to rush in to work looking like a zombie.

I like art and music.  I enjoy photography and nature.  I use Astrology to help me figure people and life out sometimes.  I'll work hard when something is really important to me, but generally I can be kinda lazy.  I read a lot.  If it's fiction it'll generally be sci-fi or the like, and non-fiction may find me taking in some ancient history, philosophy, or maybe a biography. Plus I'll read just about anything while sittin' on the can. That old Kleenex box is getting pretty boring, by now. You saw Inappropriate in the name of my blog, right? That's correct. Expect more potty humor, blue language, and awkward bluntness. If you are the type to be offended at the drop of a hat, please, by all means, find another venue with less knicker-twisting material. I'm not out to rile anyone up - if you don't like what you hear on the radio, go ahead and change the channel.

I have a college degree behind me, although what good it is doing me remains to be seen.

I didn't look up Spiritualism one day and then set out to become one. I just ended up where I am over the course of many years, and at some point got tired of being at a loss for what to call myself when people asked me what I believed.  So I did some research and so far Spiritualist appears to be the closest label I can find that seems to fit.  Who's to say I won't acquire new information in the future and go with a different label, or if I need to fit into a category at all? What I call myself isn't as important as what I do with the tools have.

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