Glossary of Terms used by the Inappropriate Spiritualist
To be updated as terms are introduced in the blog.
Battery, noun: a designation for the person using
a talking board who possesses more feminine, inward-directed energy. This
person typically supplies most of the energy for The Collective to draw upon to
push the leaf around, and is more likely to be able to receive messages from
The Collective directly, rather than requiring them to be spelled out with the
Collective, The, noun: the combined energy, knowledge, and
consciousness of every spirit, incarnate and incorporeal.
Divination, noun: the art or
practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden
knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural
Matty, noun:
a general term for any physical object with a design on it that is made for The
Collective to communicate with us. Any functional talking board is a Matty.
Leaf, noun: an object that the fingers are
placed upon that is moved around over the surface of a talking board by the
combined energy of The Collective and the users. Also known as a planchette.
Speaker, noun: a designation for the person using
a talking board who possesses more masculine, outward-directed energy. This
person typically does most of the talking and asking of questions.
Spiritualist, noun: a person who believes that the spirits of the dead, and other non-physical entities, have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living.
Spiritualist, noun: a person who believes that the spirits of the dead, and other non-physical entities, have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living.
Synchronicity, noun: the coincidental
occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as similar thoughts in
widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it
happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of
causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung
Talking Board, noun: a tool that can be used to
increase the ease of communication between us (the living) and The Collective
(the dead and other non-inhabiting entities). Usually a flat surface with
letters, numbers, or symbols pictured on it over which a pointer is moved by
the hands of the users and the energy of The Collective moving together.