Thursday, April 12, 2012

Incident: Hearing Mother's Regret

Instances of spontaneous communication from The Collective are something I would like to make an effort to document, so that I don't forget them. I have the short-term memory of a goldfish and so I need to take notes and make lists or I will forget even the barest necessities like putting on shoes or blinking.

An incident occurred last night that I wanted to write down before it fades from memory. I was attending a meeting of the Southern California Astrological Network where we were hearing a presentation on Family Constellation Work. Honestly, don't ask. It's way too long and involved to explain here what that entails, suffice to say that the facilitator for the presentation announced that her friend and client (I will change her name to "Connie" in this post, for the sake of her privacy) would be our guinea pig for the night as an example of this type of energy work.

As soon as the facilitator (Krista) began explaining what our group was going to attempt during the demonstration, and pointed out that Connie would the focus of our session, I immediately started experiencing/hearing what I felt was a mother or maternal figure who was violently grief-stricken. This being made repeated tearful apologies (obviously not literally tearful, since this was someone from the Collective and not a physical body, but the vibe of what I was hearing felt tearful) for what seemed like something that had happened in the past that was some sort of secret event, that she had not been able to apologize for or rectify during her time incarnate. And then, oddly combined with the regret and grief was also a feeling of very emotional anger. The phrases "should have told someone sooner" and even "f**k you!" surprisingly flashed though my consciousness.  This only took about a minute in real time, and I kept it to myself as I sat there and listened to the lecture. But upon hearing/feeling this I knew right away that this was a message or thought that was meant for Connie.

The lecture continued and we moved into the presentation for the evening. As the process took place, it eventually came up that there was some sort of secret that was causing pain for Connie. After the presentation ended and everyone was packing their things, I felt that I needed to approach her to relay the message I had received earlier.

It is always awkward to approach a total stranger with something of this nature. This setting reduced some of the tension, since astrologers and their friends are usually spiritual types, and can be more accepting of this sort of thing than most, but in normal circumstances, I probably would have kept the information to myself, running home to tell only my husband and having no confirmation whatsoever. I like to get confirmation to these sudden insights as often as I can. I never want to buy into anything when it is first presented to me; I always want proof.

So I approach Connie, my heart racing, hoping I am not about to say something stupid, because, you know, it totally matters what this person who I am likely to never see again thinks of me. I say to her that I'm sorry if this seems weird, but that I sometimes have these sudden flashes of information come to me and I related what I had experienced earlier in the evening and that I felt it was in relation to her.

She told me that it definitely sounded like her mother and admitted that it "made [her] heart pound" to hear that. She told me that she hadn't told anyone else at the meeting this, but that she discovered later in life that her mother had had another baby before her and had to give it up for adoption. She discovered this because she found the sister she never knew about at age 40, and this all came to light after her mother had passed.  She said she learned later that her mother had been very torn up about this event, and the emotional burden of having to keep the secret.

So this was my confirmation that the voice I heard in my head was not just my own internal ramblings, and if felt good to deliver the message. Although this family secret of hers is a sad subject, I was personally on a emotional high for the rest of the night. I love it when I can get communication so direct when I am not using the board. I have nothing against the board, far from it, but this freestyle stuff is happening more and more often and it tells me that I am growing in my ability to discern what is me and what is Them, and because of this they are more willing to talk to me.

As always, everything happens for a reason. Connie and I came together in the same room for our mutual benefit. She to hear a message from her mother and I to be given a confidence boost in regard to my growing proficiency in hearing the Collective.

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