Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Synchronicity for The Day: Numbers No. 1

So I wanted to start formally taking note of when I see these various synchronicities happening in my daily life, which is all the time. I promise I will make a longer entry about the concept of synchronicity, but let's just say for now that these are the little coincidences-that-are-not-really-coincidences that pop up from time to time. They are The Collective's way of telling you, "Hey! Pay attention! Take note of what is going on right now!" Or also, "Things are right on track for your Life Path right now, everything is humming along on schedule/as planned." Déjà vu is also something like this, but that is a topic for another day.

So this one happened to me yesterday when I was driving home from work (I'm continually amazed at the amount of spiritual experiences and thoughts I have while driving). I wanted to post it last night, and I got all crafty thinking that I would just get the Blogger app for my phone and do it on the fly while it was still fresh in my mind. But of course, like any time I think I'm gonna do something "simple," everything went to hell in a hand-basket and technology thwarted my will once again. Curses!!!  So after installing/uninstalling/re-installing the app and going in circles with it wanting me to use a gmail address and not recognizing my account for my actual blog, I gave up and decided to troubleshoot it (like that will come to any avail) later, on the desktop instead of the phone.

Let's get to the actual synchronicity event again, which will probably be a shorter paragraph than all my complaining above. So I'm driving home listening to a talk show on Sirius, and like many call-in type shows they gave their phone number for listeners to call as they went to a break. The phone number ended in 6766. And right as the show's host was telling us what the number was, and I mean literally as the words were coming out of the speakers, I was looking at the license plate of the driver ahead of me and their plate was 6XXX766. The Xs were actually three other letters, but I decided I probably shouldn't list someone's actual plate number online. But yeah, that was a good one. Very precise. And very simultaneous. Sometimes I see these a few hours apart, but this one was immediate. So that made me feel good. I knew that things were going along as intended, which always makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Things like this happen all the time to me and the other half. I want to believe it's more than just coincidence, but I have my doubts. Perhaps we can discuss it more in detail this weekend. :)
